QBHO: ispirazione naturale, forma essenziale, luce in tre posizioni.
Nonostante la forma semplice, Q-BHO può posizionarsi in tre differenti modi, per adattarsi alle diverse esigenze.

La storia del nostro lavoro vive di abilità e idee che dalla tradizione conducono alla modernità.
Realizziamo collezioni su misura e linee d’arredo ricercate e curate in ogni particolare.
Design e materiali di qualità per ambienti e spazi da vivere sempre in modo funzionale e confortevole.
I nostri arredi sono sicuri e durano nel tempo perchè selezioniamo legnami e forniture di qualità.
Soluzioni tecniche innovative e orientamenti progettuali integrati ad una sapiente manualità artigiana.
Coniughiamo l’esperienza con processi di produzione evoluti e a basso impatto ambientale.
Vendita arredamento e cucine su misura Vimodrone

Chi Siamo

Falegnameria Ragone

La falegnameria nasce con la produzione di mobili su misura (interior e contract). Abbiamo un piccolo showroom direttamente qui in falegnameria.

Successivamente abbiamo creato il logo R-studio per realizzare progetti particolari (in particolare b52 e qbho). Insieme a R-studio è nato anche un negozio a Milano in collaborazione con un architetto, con il quale realizziamo arredamenti particolari. In questo negozio sono anche esposti alcuni elementi di arredo.

Il nostro business principale rimane l’arredamento su misura, però ci piacerebbe spingere piano piano la vendita online di alcuni prodotti, che non sono su misura, ma bene definiti.








    The undersigned provides the following information regarding the use of the personal data that you provide by filling in this form, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (also known as the GDPR). The personal data which concern you and which you have spontaneously provided by filling out the forms are collected exclusively to allow contact with the company and, eventually, perform the Contract concluded with you. The provision of the data in question by you is mandatory; your eventual refusal will not allow us to provide you with the product/service which you have requested (potentially exposing you to liability for breach of contract) and, in any case, to process your request. The data will be disclosed only to the members f staff of our company who have been tasked with the processing of such data and always for the purposes mentioned. We would also like to remind you that, by submitting a request to the data controller, you may exercise all the rights granted by articles 15 to 22 of the aforementioned Regulation (EU), which give you the right, in particular, to request access to the personal data and receive a copy thereof (article 15 of the GDPR), the right to rectification (article 16 of the GDPR), and to the erasure of the data (article 17 of the GDPR), the right of restriction of the processing that concerns you (article 18 of the GDPR), the right to the portability of the data (article 20 of the GDPR, if the requirements are met) and the right to object to the processing that concerns you (articles 21 and 22 of the GDPR, for the cases mentioned above and, in particular, in case of processing for marketing purposes or that is carried out via an automated decision-making process, including profiling, which produces legal effects that concern him/her, if the requirements are met). The data controller also recognises, in cases where the processing is based on consent, your right to withdraw said consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the provided consent prior to the withdrawal; in order to do this, you may at any time unregister by contacting the data controller at the addresses published on the website. The data controller would also like to inform you of your right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority in its capacity as supervisory authority in Italy and to bring court proceedings both against a decision of the Data Protection Authority and against the data controller and/or a data processor.

    * I have read and accept the Privacy conditions